Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Sequins & The Media

So I'm slowly working my way through my "To Do List" for Vegas and have left my three most hated tasks til last. But I must get the ball rolling on them, so yesterday, I started my first most hated job - adding sequins to my costume.

I love having sparkly costumes. I just hate the sore back you get from being hunched over adding the sparkly bits, the headache from inhaling glue fumes and/or the sore thumb from sewing tough fabric.  I just find it all a bit tedious. I'm hoping the bling fairy will come save me coz I've still got so much to do!!!

My second most hated thing is getting fit/toned. What can I say - I hate the gym. And I love alcohol. So the chances of my wobbly bottom firming up in 7 weeks are pretty slim. Maybe I should write that one off. I am, afterall, doing an act called Big Butts.

My third hated job is dealing with the media. I thought I'd get a bit of attention for the fundraiser on April 29 through the press (nice bit of free advertising). Plus the fact that my news is big of course. But after the  little f***up in the Sunday Star Times last Sunday (not Miss V's fault, just the incompetency + laziness of modern day journalists), I just can't be bothered. Plus, I'm tired of the NZ media reporting about burlesque as if no one has ever heard of it before. Every time they feature it, it's the same story - goes like this:

Burlesque is an art form with its roots in Vaudeville - often involving satire, until in America it became more risque when they incorporated stripping in the 1920s. 

YAWN FEST PEOPLE! I got a crazy idea - stop patronising the public and report on the actual NZ burlesque scene and add the details of the show you're meant to be featuring and which the producer has sought the press exposure for. You know - ticket details, venue, date. How hard is that???

So lets just say, I can't be bothered with weak ass press or getting fit. So that just leaves me with these damn sequins. If you haven't got anything better to do and love sewing and gluing, please come round my house and rescue me. I got beers in the fridge!

I have been hunting round town for some black cup sequins size 6 and 8, but can only find ones with that iridescent finish which I don't want. I just want the flat black colour. Anyone out in Blog land know where I can get some? Costumers? Sequin freaks?

I got Busty La Belle's contribution to my raffle prize today. She's donated a great selection of stockings and pinup hair accessories. Don't forget, you can buy raffle tickets now by emailing me. It's an awesome prize which I'm very tempted to just keep for myself. Busty's quote on TV tonight that burlesque is - "feminism via showgirl tactics" was bloody gold and about the only informative and interesting thing about that interview.

On that note - good luck to Miss V, Misschiff Minx and Bettsy Rose Lee for Saturday (and to all the other competitors I don't know personally). I got some really good advice about how to deal with competition nerves - visualise yourself winning and tell yourself you're the best. Hope that helps.



  1. Hi hun,
    I am available for sequin stitching if you haven't moved too far away! Facebook me if I can help :)
    Also, have you tried Geoff's emporium Dominion Rd for the sequins?? They just got a new display stand of sequins and seed beads in the last fortnight or so.

  2. Hey Mate:

    Thanks for the offer but I'm living in Royal Oak these days. I did try Geoff's and they only have the black sequins with the irridescent finish which won't match the flat black sequin fabric of my bra and hot pants.

    Are you coming to the show on the 29th? I hope so! x
